Friday, 3 March 2017

Artefact - initial ideas

  1. A book with directions, explanations and pictures that depict each of the different play and drama techniques/ games I have learnt about through this module, and how they can aid engagement.  
  2. The same idea but in the form of a large colourful poster with more pictures than writing. Something similar to the images below. 

Both of these items would be useful and easily assessable to my target audience, future teachers. 

However I also like the idea of doing something interactive as I feel this echoes a lot of the techniques I have been studying and highlights the theme of engagement that runs throughout my topic. 
Perhaps an interactive video or a workbook with activities and pictures in it.

1 comment:

  1. the artefact is about the inquiry - have a look at some of the others - so sometimes 'research' is displayed on a poster - keep doing the inquiry and look at others examples.

    I googled this site but I am curious about the organisation because not a lot of details up about their background - they do have a recommended list but you purchase form them? Also found this

    For you this issue is from the UK government and practitioners the sources at the end seem dated? - Greenwich centre - recent research?

    Finally - just through key words children play uk research - a literature review for play A literature review on the effects of a lack of play on children’s lives
    Revised January 2012
    Josie Gleave and Issy Cole-Hamilton
