My first stop when looking into the different routes into teaching was the very first hit on Google, the government run Get Into Teaching site.
There are far more ways to get into teaching than I had previously realised. I always thought following through with a full PGCE was the only way to get into schools as a teacher.
However there are several different options depending on your level of experience, how much hands on time you want to spend in classrooms, which subject you want to teach, etc etc.
They also run events all around the country to aid people who might like to get into teacher trying to help them find the best path.
Below are some of the other 'get into teaching' options that I found very interesting, which I had never heard of let alone researched before.
SCITT (school-centred initial teacher training)
I have found the following link incredibly helpful in learning more about SCITT training - something I had never heard of previously.
School Direct (salaried) programme
I found this initial research very interesting as routes for getting into teaching for schools.