Sunday, 30 October 2016

Get into teaching

Getting into teaching in school...

My first stop when looking into the different routes into teaching was the very first hit on Google, the government run Get Into Teaching site.

There are far more ways to get into teaching than I had previously realised. I always thought following through with a full PGCE was the only way to get into schools as a teacher. 
However there are several different options depending on your level of experience, how much hands on time you want to spend in classrooms, which subject you want to teach, etc etc. 

They also run events all around the country to aid people who might like to get into teacher trying to help them find the best path. 

Below are some of the other 'get into teaching' options that I found very interesting, which I had never heard of let alone researched before.  

SCITT (school-centred initial teacher training)

I have found the following link incredibly helpful in learning more about SCITT training - something I had never heard of previously.


School Direct (salaried) programme

I found this initial research very interesting as routes for getting into teaching for schools.



Wednesday, 19 October 2016

More thoughts...

What do I do?
I am the Manager of a speciality coffee bar and home wares shop in the city centre of Manchester. 
I manage a group of 5 - 9 people through the day in a high pressure, customer driven environment. 

What do I want to do?
I have always wanted to teach. 
I have never been sure which subject, obviously something arts related, dance, drama or even possibly English or PE. I have never been certain of how to get there either, PGCE, ISTD, private teaching etc. 

What do I want to find out about/learn?
I need to research teaching possibilities. What each of the above involve, which path to take to get there. 

Will my question enable me to help others?
My full intentions with becoming a teacher to help and guide others. My research could also enable me to aid other students who wish to potentially get into teaching. 

Is it relevant to me? 

I currently don't have a teaching job of any kind, however I could very closely relate the skills sets needed for teaching to my current management job. 

Having thought this through I see I need to be a little more set with where I intend to go, which route I want to aim for, and this will aid me toward which questions I would like to investigate. 

The research goes on!  

Monday, 17 October 2016

Initial thoughts...

A key thing I noticed on looking back over the notes I took during my chat with Paula is the small diagram I made at the bottom of the page with the topics 'performer', 'teacher' and 'manager'.

So far on this course I have found the biggest challenge linking my Professional Practice in Arts to what I do on a daily bases, managing a cafe, and then linking that to where I want to go with my career in the future, teaching. 
Also linking all of this to my past experiences with freelance teaching, private business teaching and performing. 

I made a start finding similarities between these fields in my Module one journal. 

This is something I will delve into in more depth during my coming research. 

Another thing I have thought about in this early stage of my research is the importance of my daily journal. This was a tool I found greatly helpful throughout Module one and will continue to use this in the same way for Module two. 

Chat with Paula

So with all these questions building and building I took to a chat with Paula for some guidance! 

Below are the notes I took during our conversation. 

Mainly she has helped me see that it is okay to be a little overwhelmed and full of questions at this point in time. I just need to get fully stuck into some in-depth research within a few of my fields of interest. The idea is that all will slowly fall together!

To get me started she gave me a few key questions to think about:

  • What do I do?
  • What do I want to do better?
  • What do I want to find out about?
  • Will my question enable me to help others?
  • Is it relevant to me? 

My next steps are going to be as follows, 
  • Research 
  • Knowlage 
  • Thinking
  • Brainstorms 
  • SIGs