Wednesday, 21 December 2016

More Literature


Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Task 6A - Pilot interview

In Task 4C I began piecing together so questions that I might use to create an interview for my inquiry. 
Although the focus of my inquiry has changed slightly within the time from then to now, some of the question are still very relevant. 

I am going to use this task to do a 'pilot interview'. 

I want this interview to be as much like the real thing as possible so ideally I would like to do it via Skype in order to ask the questions face to face. 
This way I can get all the benefits of the interview tool and also get some honest feedback about the questions and how I pose them. 

I am still feeling like my questions are a little on the vague side, I would like to create more direction and focus as to where they are going and what exactly it is I want to discover from my inquiry so I will continue to work on these questions. 

I am also going to post my draft interview questions on the BAPP arts module 2 Facebook page to allow for any feedback/ suggestions from other students. 

Task 6C - Award Specialism Title Proposal

BA (Hons) Professional Practice in Arts.... 

I have been reflecting on my past and current work in order to choose the title for my award specialism title. 
This has not been an easy decision so I thought I would put down some ideas as to why I have chosen to go with the title of "Theatre Arts"

When training for my diploma I was given the option of a Diploma in 'Dance' or 'Musical Theatre'. This was very simple option for me, Musical theatre has never been my strong point and within this time of my career Dance was the path I wanted to go down. 
My first job after graduation was as a Dance Coach for a local performing school, which was a natural extension of my Diploma. 
However my initial thought process behind my enrolling on this course was a desire to go into a more formal teaching route within a more academic subject. 
I studied Drama and Theatre Studies at A Level and was alway torn between going down the more serious acting route vs Dance training. 

As I have been considering my path within this course I am defiantly seeing myself leaning towards the teaching, academic side of performing and within my most resent development, researching Drama and Play Therapies. 
Through my initial research I can really see the familiarity with lots of Drama and Play Therapy techniques  and what I would have considered to be 'drama games'. 
With continuing on down this route of inquiry I feel the most appropriate title for my award would have to be in keeping with theatre and drama. 

These are just my first thoughts on the subject and if anyone has any other thoughts regarding my title feedback would be much appreciated! 

Task 6B - Tools of Inquiry

I have been looking into the different tools of inquiry as suggested in Reader 6 to find which ones will be the best for me to carry forward within my own inquiry. 
Below I have discussed some merits and limits for a few of the suggested tools in order to help me narrow it down. 

As my research has taken me into the field of therapy I am very aware that observation is not a tool that can be used within my inquiry. 
The process of observing a therapy session could have a detrimental effect to the participant and would defiantly not be an accurate account of a session without observation. 
It would disturb the therapeutic relationship between client and therapist and could even damage the healing process of the client. 

I believe this will be the more useful tool for me within the route of inquiry I have chosen.

  • You can observe and record first hand this way you know the data is true.
  • You can gain far more detailed answers, watch body language, and have full conversations.
  •   You can adapt the questions if you feel a topics has become more interesting or one question doesn't work so well.
On the other hand, 
  • It can be very time consuming.
  • You need to make time around other peoples work schedules.

When on Skype with Kayleigh yesterday she also raised a few great points about interviews that she had experienced through her Module 3 research. 

  • Interviews allow for emotive responses
  • Interviews can break structure and allow for a more natural conversation to occur.
  • You can really explore the topic. 
Surveys and Questionnaires
A survey could be a good way of obtaining data without having to put too much time and energy into it, as it is supported on a web 2.0 platform. 
However I'm unsure as to whether people would want to do a survey within my topic of inquiry. 
Therapy is a very personal topic and I feel perhaps a survey is slightly too informal for asking about something so personal. 
Perhaps this could work if the survey was completely anonymous. 
Reviewing Documents
This also could be a very helpful tool. 
It enables you to learn about and hear different peoples points of view, different peoples experiences and see things from different focus points without the need to arrange and interview. You can study it at your own pace and simply take the bits that are directly useful to your inquiry.
On the other hand this could mean that there is the possibility of the data being untrue, inaccurate or out dated. 

At this moment in time I think I will move forward using interview as my main inquiry tool. However I will also be reviewing documents for a broader opinion and more knowledge on the topic as a whole. 

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Task 5C - Ethics (within my inquiry)

How will I safe guard any information gained throughout my inquiry process?

Participant confidentially - Make sure all data used in completely anonymous. No names, dates, places or any specifics used.They must also be fully aware that they can terminate the interview at any time.
If you the participant doesn't wish to be anonymous you must gain written consent stating how you will refer to them. 

Relevance - Make sure you have outlined what exactly it is that you are researching and why. Make sure all and any questions are fully related to this. 

Storing my findingsEverything must be password protectedOnly keep one copy of any information gained. 

Disposing of data - Delete all data once the study has been completed. 

Constant form - Create and have them sign a consent form with all the above information. 
Below is my first draft of my consent form.

Skype with Kayleigh

So I have just had my Skype with Kayleigh and it has been very enlightening! 

She thought the link from the learning through play research I had initially been doing to looking into Play / Drama Therapy was a natural one and that it would be a great subject to further look into. 

She gave me a few key things to think about that I had not previously touched on: 

What IS therapy?

What is the therapeutic relationship? 

Look at alternative learning - story telling, creative, imaginative, practical, explorative, individual. 


Play /Drama therapy usually isn't adult lead (this links in very well with the Montessori research I have done previously. Blog)

She has also given me some more ethics related issues that I am now taking into consideration for my ethics release form. 

More thoughts on Ethics

Over my last few blogs I have been looking into the ethics surrounding my workplace. 

The biggest issue (as I began discussing in my last blog) is that I work a lot with children and so far most of my research has been aimed at looking into child development and education. 

On reflection and as I am progressing further with narrowing down my topic I have come to see that doing an inquiry based on any kind of feedback or involvement directly from children is not something I wish to get into within my inquiry. 
The issues regarding dealing with under 18 years olds are very important and I still feel I will be able to gain sufficient data simply by talking to others who are involved with learning through play and other development techniques. 

This change in thought process has lead me to look into some other development tools, that are not specifically aimed at children.  
The use of Drama-Therapy or Play-Therapy.

In my initial research I have found lots of direct links between the research I have been looking at with children 'learning through play' and how people of all ages develop, learn and are aided through the means of drama and performance.  

With this slight shift in focus (away from children) I felt I needed some more guidance so I have organised a Skype with Module 3 student Kayleigh Huges who has also been looking into Drama-Therapy. 
I am really looking forward to seeing how her initial ideas have developed and getting some advice on how to move forward from this point. 

Blog on this to come soon! 


Task 5A - Ethics (within my workplace)

Within my last blog I wrote about the ethics I considered within my workplace and begin thinking about how it would relate to my inquiry. 

Since then I have done some more in-depth research into my Employee Handbook to figure out if there was anything I have overlooked that could be important to my research going forward.

The biggest issue around my inquiry and within my workplace is than I work a lot with children and so far most of my research has been aimed at looking into child development and education. 

This was something I found particularly interesting to find out about as it is not an issue I have had much knowledge of previously. 

Issue such as, 
  • No photos to be taken inside the centre
  • Parents are responsible for their children at all times and in all areas of the centre
  • On site First Aid personal  
I found this paper very helpful in understanding the basic safe guarding principles. 

Task 4D - Literature

As this is an ongoing task that I will continue to work on throughout the rest of this Module I have just started by outlining a few pieces of Literature that I have been looking into so far. 

Title, Date, Author, Publisher
The Art of Dance in Education, Jacqueline M Smith-Antard, 

Where did I find the source?
Reader 4 Handbook

How is it useful to my inquiry?
Looking into the link between education and the skills learned as a dancer. 


Title, Date, Author, Publisher
Bruce, T (2001), Learning Through Play: For Babies, Toddlers and Young Children, London: Hodder Education. 

Where did I find the source?
Google search "Learning through play"

How is it useful to my inquiry?
Extending my knowledge on the most basic learning through play techniques.


Title, Author, Date, Publisher
Einstein Never Used Flashcards, Kathy Hirsch-Pasek and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, August 2004 (first published October 2003), Rodale Books 

Where did I find the source?
Google search

How is it useful to my inquiry?
Useful in my initial looking into learning through play. It has helped me understand a few key theories and lead me onto my Montessori research.  

Although I have found these very interesting I am being to feel all my research so far has been quite narrow and very specific to one topic. I will continue my literature research and perhaps broaden the search.

Task 4C - Developing Questions for Employers and/or Professional Colleges

Using some of my previous research I am now beginning to develop some questions to ask my employers / professional associates that I hope will help narrow down my inquiry topic and aid in  better understanding of my current research.  

I have created a couple of groups of questions that I will aim at different SIG/ professionals/ people with my work place. 

So far this is just a starting point that I'm sure will develop and change through the next section;

Teachers/ Performers that teach

- Do you think going to the theatre/ watching performances influences young children? If so how?

- Do you think taking part in performing helps young children become more engaged in other areas of life if so what?

- What other skills do children learn from engaging in performing? 

- Have you ever used a learning though play technique? If so which one?

- Have you ever used any other child development techniques? If so which one? 

Children (regarding nursery rhymes) 

 - Which is your favourite song?

- Why Is it your favourite?

- Which song has the best actions? 

Co-Workers (at the kids play centre)

- What do you think children get out of participating in playing activities?

- What is your favourite activity to lead and why? What do you feel the kids get out of it? 

- What kind of reposes do you get from kids during/ after the activity? 

- What do you think is the most effective use of time for children at the centre? 

- Do you think different children learn better through different learning methods? If so what is an example of something you have observed? 

As I am just beginning to look into the ethics surrounding the ideas of interviewing co-workers and others within my workplace these questions may charge drastically before I actually being to put them into practical use. 

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Task 5A - Ethics (initial thoughts)

Within my work I feel I have to; 
  • Be presentable / suitably dressed
  • Be respectful
  •  Be organised 
  • Use appropriate language at all times
  • Be prepared 
  • Manage my time well 
  • Be professional 
  • Be reliable 
  • Show positivity 
  • Use team work
  • Maintain high standards 
  • Maintain the companies image and reputation 
Abide by any and all rules including;
  • First aid
  • Safe guarding 
  • Heath and Safety 
  • Fire safety 
  • Company policy 
  • DBS (CRB) checks 

What do I need to consider for my inquiry?

  • Make sure any questions are suitable for the person being asked. Only ask questions directly related to my inquiry. 
  • I must have the companies permission to carry out any kind of inquiry within the work place.
  •  All questions must only be asked to persons aged 18 or older. If I wish to involve a younger person it must be fully in coordination with all company policies, DBS checks and with full permission of the child's parent or guardian. 

Friday, 11 November 2016

Research - Learning through Play

Within my job I perform daily to a group of parents and children a selection of nursery rhymes, songs 
with actions, all designed for the children to join in, mimic and sing along. 
it is very interactive.
These songs remain the same each day in order for the kids to become more familiar with the 
movement and words so they can begin to learn a little more from each performance. 
I am eager to begin finding out a bit more about learning through play and how much of it will be 
directly applicable in my WBL research.  

In Einstein Never Used Flash Card authors Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff
describe the five main elements of play.

  • Play must be pleasurable and enjoyable 
  • Play must have no extrinsic goals; there is no prescribed learning the much occur
  • Play is spontaneous and voluntary 
  • Play involves active engagement on the part of the player 
  • Play involves an element of make believe 
This defiantly describes the intent behind the performance session done at my work place.  

I will be finding out more about Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff's work if I look into this book as part 
of my literature research. 

In my initial research I have found a huge amount of research and data but one of the more simple 
ways I found to look at it was broken into three categories;
  • Classic theories focus on the idea of burning of extra energy; replenishing every after hard work 
  •  More modern theories explore play from the perspective of how it impacts a child's development 
  • Other theories focus on "the relationship of play to diversity and social justice in daily living and 
  • knowledge"
I feel within my inquiry I will be looking to focus on examining how play impacts on a child development.

Learning through play is thought by some to have development benefits in multiple areas for children 
  • Creativity 
  • Imagination 
  • Initiative 
One specific style of learning through play that caught my interest is the Montessori Method of teaching.
This teaching technique is directly reliant on the child self-directing activity and the teacher simply 
observing and guiding. 
It was developed by Maria Montessori , an Italian physician and educator, it put emphasis on
independent learning or "freedom within limits". 

The video below really put into perspective for me the theory Montessori developed,

One of her more detailed ideas is the four periods in human development, or "planes of development"  
have created a diagram of the four stages she describes;

Below is another video I found really educational for understanding a bit more about the use of the 
Montessori method and also a helpful link to the official Montessori website,  

I find this method of teaching incredibly interesting and will be trying to take some of these ideas into
the workplace to see if I can observe any or her hypothesis in action. 

If anyone else has had any experience with this or a similar teaching technique I would be greatly 
interested to hear some of your experiences! 


Research - Engaging Children in Performing

The first thing I did when beginning this research was a mind map to get some initial thought flowing and see what I think I already know about the subject. 

My very first thought on this subject came as soon as I start this diagram. 

What do I mean by "performing"?

This is a very broad term that can mean all manner of things in different contexts. 

Most of the time within our industry we are referring to definition number 4, to act (a play, part, etc.) as on the stage, in movies, or on television, or number 6, to accomplish (any action involving skill or ability), as before an audience. 

However when referencing my inquiry I am speaking about the most simple movement and speech tasks undertaken (mostly through song) meant to aid in the learning and development of young children. So perhaps "performing" isn't quite the right thing to be looking at. 

Definition of "playing" 

This is a much more accurate definition of what I was intending to explore and it has lead me directly onto what was going to be my next point of research, the idea of learning though play
This has made me feel more confident that I am heading in the right direction and that I am finally starting to narrow down some of my ideas! 


Knowledge and Skills in the Workplace

What do I know?

HOW do I know it?

These are two questions I honestly never thought would be difficult to answer. 
But they are! 
I know it seems silly, of course you know what you know. But really I don't often think about HOW I know something. 
This got me thinking about the inquiry and about Mode 2 knowledge as discussed in Reader 4, 

"Mode 2 knowledge is generated within the context of application"(Gibbons, 2008, online) 

This kind of knowledge is something that is created in the process of DOING within the workplace but how often do we really think about WHY we are doing it and HOW we know to do it? Most people just put auto pilot on everyday and go through the motions at work. 

This is something I hope to look into more as I develop my inquiry within my workplace. Thinking about the why and how of my actions may enable me to develop further questions. 

Another interesting topic is that of disciplinary and trans disciplinary. 
My research and WBL is defiantly going to consist of trans disciplinary and inter-disciplinary context. This again links to the theory of Mode 2 knowledge, which I found very applicable to my current learning situation, 

"Mode 2 knowledge production is transdisciplinary, which means it
uses a range of theoretical perspectives and practical
methodologies to solve problems"

Below is an extract from my journal where I stared to list the knowledge and skills I feel I would like to learn for the future throughout the development of my inquiry and my WBL research.  


WBS 3630 Module 2 Reader 4, Middlesex University

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Task 4B - SIGs

One of the most useful SIGs I have found has been the Facebook group set up a few weeks ago for Module 2 students. 
It's great to have direct contact and an open forum with all the other students going through the same process.

I am also part of another BAPP Arts Facebook group set up by one of the Module 3 students. 
This has helped me to reach out to the students who have been through the process and are further into their professional development.

I have also recently been talking to Mariele Zammit, another Module 2 student. 
Mariele and I were in the same year at college and had 3 hard years of training together! 
She has recently started back on BAPP in Arts again and it was great to be able to talk to her about my ideas and what she has been up to since college.
It turns out she has been working full time as a Drama teacher, something I am greatly interested in, so it was great to pick her brain! 
Because of this she is also the perfect person to get some feedback from regarding my current line of inquiry - what skills children learn from engaging in performing arts. 

I asked her a few key questions that I have been developing, (these questions will also be the start of my questionnaire research!) 

- Do you think going to the theatre/ watching performances influences young children?
-  Can taking part in performing help young children become more engaged in other areas of life? If so what? 
-  What other skills do children learn from engaging in performing?
- Have you ever used a "learning through play" technique?
- Have you ever used any other child development techniques? If so which one?

I am also connecting with a some other BAPP students who I have found are researching similar topics to me, Rebecca Jones and Laura Jayne I am hoping we will be able to bounce some ideas around in a Skype session very soon! 

Chat with Paula

Moving forward with my new job and looking into some new ideas had me feeling in need of some more guidance! So I called Paula for another chat to get some of my ideas slightly more organised. 

Below are the notes I took during our call, 

Following this I have a couple of really interesting topics to move forward with, 

- Learning through play
- Child development