Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Task 6B - Tools of Inquiry

I have been looking into the different tools of inquiry as suggested in Reader 6 to find which ones will be the best for me to carry forward within my own inquiry. 
Below I have discussed some merits and limits for a few of the suggested tools in order to help me narrow it down. 

As my research has taken me into the field of therapy I am very aware that observation is not a tool that can be used within my inquiry. 
The process of observing a therapy session could have a detrimental effect to the participant and would defiantly not be an accurate account of a session without observation. 
It would disturb the therapeutic relationship between client and therapist and could even damage the healing process of the client. 

I believe this will be the more useful tool for me within the route of inquiry I have chosen.

  • You can observe and record first hand this way you know the data is true.
  • You can gain far more detailed answers, watch body language, and have full conversations.
  •   You can adapt the questions if you feel a topics has become more interesting or one question doesn't work so well.
On the other hand, 
  • It can be very time consuming.
  • You need to make time around other peoples work schedules.

When on Skype with Kayleigh yesterday she also raised a few great points about interviews that she had experienced through her Module 3 research. 

  • Interviews allow for emotive responses
  • Interviews can break structure and allow for a more natural conversation to occur.
  • You can really explore the topic. 
Surveys and Questionnaires
A survey could be a good way of obtaining data without having to put too much time and energy into it, as it is supported on a web 2.0 platform. 
However I'm unsure as to whether people would want to do a survey within my topic of inquiry. 
Therapy is a very personal topic and I feel perhaps a survey is slightly too informal for asking about something so personal. 
Perhaps this could work if the survey was completely anonymous. 
Reviewing Documents
This also could be a very helpful tool. 
It enables you to learn about and hear different peoples points of view, different peoples experiences and see things from different focus points without the need to arrange and interview. You can study it at your own pace and simply take the bits that are directly useful to your inquiry.
On the other hand this could mean that there is the possibility of the data being untrue, inaccurate or out dated. 

At this moment in time I think I will move forward using interview as my main inquiry tool. However I will also be reviewing documents for a broader opinion and more knowledge on the topic as a whole. 

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