The first thing I did when beginning this research was a mind map to get some initial thought flowing and see what I think I already know about the subject.
My very first thought on this subject came as soon as I start this diagram.
What do I mean by "performing"?
This is a very broad term that can mean all manner of things in different contexts.
Most of the time within our industry we are referring to definition number 4, to act (a play, part, etc.) as on the stage, in movies, or on television, or number 6, to accomplish (any action involving skill or ability), as before an audience.
However when referencing my inquiry I am speaking about the most simple movement and speech tasks undertaken (mostly through song) meant to aid in the learning and development of young children. So perhaps "performing" isn't quite the right thing to be looking at.
Definition of "playing"
This is a much more accurate definition of what I was intending to explore and it has lead me directly onto what was going to be my next point of research, the idea of learning though play.
This has made me feel more confident that I am heading in the right direction and that I am finally starting to narrow down some of my ideas!
yes and do subject specialists define these terms any differently? Good to add to these basics as you finetune the planning and inquiry questions.