Friday, 11 November 2016

Knowledge and Skills in the Workplace

What do I know?

HOW do I know it?

These are two questions I honestly never thought would be difficult to answer. 
But they are! 
I know it seems silly, of course you know what you know. But really I don't often think about HOW I know something. 
This got me thinking about the inquiry and about Mode 2 knowledge as discussed in Reader 4, 

"Mode 2 knowledge is generated within the context of application"(Gibbons, 2008, online) 

This kind of knowledge is something that is created in the process of DOING within the workplace but how often do we really think about WHY we are doing it and HOW we know to do it? Most people just put auto pilot on everyday and go through the motions at work. 

This is something I hope to look into more as I develop my inquiry within my workplace. Thinking about the why and how of my actions may enable me to develop further questions. 

Another interesting topic is that of disciplinary and trans disciplinary. 
My research and WBL is defiantly going to consist of trans disciplinary and inter-disciplinary context. This again links to the theory of Mode 2 knowledge, which I found very applicable to my current learning situation, 

"Mode 2 knowledge production is transdisciplinary, which means it
uses a range of theoretical perspectives and practical
methodologies to solve problems"

Below is an extract from my journal where I stared to list the knowledge and skills I feel I would like to learn for the future throughout the development of my inquiry and my WBL research.  


WBS 3630 Module 2 Reader 4, Middlesex University

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Skye - yes we used Patricia Leavy's definition of transdisciplinarity in the campus session - I will add a blog about it!
